Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Quiet Singer

I believe poets are the songwriters of silent moments, bringing illusion to either paper or electrical screens. With these letters the poet creates meaning, a song, an essence of life in stillness, a living photograph of life and death equally present in words.

I think I am a quiet singer, a silent singer looking around and finding nothing in everything and backwards, through the world I see the same faces, smiles, angry brows desperate to modify the environment of stillness. I'm not even sure I am speaking here, because with this I seem to seek eternity, something that may last this body more, mindflow, mindstream wherever it goes, so the poet will not die.

But I will die, and everyone will. This I look and see it as play, children playing a game before moving on, but before moving on I believe that children are smarter than adults, because they do not ask themselves if life has ended. This is the impossible play of a man familiar with death. We may look at this, feel the eyes travel from one side to the other, waiting for something to click on us, inside our chest and thymus, as I feel the click of the laptop keyboard until it becomes memory just. Like us, our future is already written, it seems, but each future calls for new artists to repeat what has already been said, the past will become the future, the present will become neither because there is no cause for instants.

Here is a poem I wrote thinking about, and I label, impermanence:

* * *

I am dead, and
Before you read this, you are dead.
But because you have chosen to read
You will be free from disease:
The ignorance which crawls
Under the threshold of the soul immortal
Inmoral, both nazi and homosexual
In harmony without labels
    Or language--
Which are also dead.

* * *

And because we are dead in the present, we are more valuable. Because we are dead already (for we are, we have to realize this, and not be cowards who ignore it), we have to realize that there is no difference between a precious diamond and the beggar who always asks for money near the city's avenue.

And this is what I want to sing in silent tones.

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